Implementation of management systems
Do you want to implement an environmental management system (EMS) according either to ČSN EN ISO 14001 or to EEC Regulation No. 1836/93 (EMAS)?
Then we can:
- conduct an initial environmental review (environmental audit, ecological audit)
- process, implement and extend system documentation, or assist in integration with other systems already in place
- conduct an internal audit
- procure an independent certification organisation.
Activities of an external ecologist
Don’t have time to ensure that your business activities comply with legal and other environmental requirements? Then we can do it for you through long-term and permanent external cooperation:
- in general terms this means:
- regular presence at your company, carrying out inspections, on-site consultation about identified problems and shortcomings or taking records where needed; frequency of inspections approximately once a month or, if necessary , more frequently according to your requirements and needs
- dealing with governmental authorities in all matters relating to the environment
- if it is organisationally and technically feasible, presence during inspections in your company by state administration bodies (Czech Environmental Inspectorate, regional and local authorities),
- registration and communication in the ISPOP system (Integrated Reporting System)
- continuous monitoring and tracking of all changes in the field of legislation and providing regular information about these changes and their implementation in your company’s activities
- in the field of waste management:
- keeping a running record of waste and processing reports for the relevant state administration bodies
- arrangement of waste management logistics within your company, and preparation of waste management guidelines (if necessary)
- in the field of air protection:
- calculation of air emissions and preparation of regular reports for the state administration
- ensuring activities related to the commissioning of new sources of air pollution or the modification of existing sources
- preparation of operating rules for boiler houses and other sources of air pollution
- in the field of water management:
- preparation of regular reports for water authorities
- taking samples of all types of water either based on the requirements of state administration bodies or according to your own needs, and ensuring their analysis by authorised laboratories
- handling of water management logistics
- preparation of all necessary operating and other regulations or their revision in accordance with the legislation;
- in the field of accident prevention:
- assessment of the company in terms of prevention of major accidents and subsequent preparation of other documents in accordance with relevant legislation
- in the packaging management:
- handling of packaging logistics (take-back, recovery and disposal of packaging waste, compliance with the Waste Act, packaging and labelling of packaging) and other obligations arising from legislation
- in the management of chemical substances/mixtures:
- handling the logistics of management of chemical substances/mixtures
- ensuring the activities of a professionally qualified person under the Health Protection Act,
- preparation of written instructions for the management of listed chemical substances/mixtures, including a review by the health service authorities
- keeping records of chemical substances/mixtures, including their processing for reporting to state administration bodies (if necessary)
- conducting regular reviews of suppliers’ safety data sheets, especially with regard to current EC legislation
Ensuring the activities of a safety advisor (DGSA)
If you are a party to the transport of dangerous goods under the European Agreement on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods (ADR), then we can procure the activities of a safety advisor (DGSA) consisting of:
- training of all persons (except drivers) involved in transport subject to the ADR (persons ensuring dispatching, packing, loading, unloading and receipt)
- drawing up, checking and reviewing all documents related to transport (bills of lading, written instructions in case of an accident, etc.)
- classification of dangerous goods
- preparation of an annual report for state administration bodies
- marking vehicles and packaging with signs and safety symbols, and ensuring the provision of vehicle equipment.
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC)
Are you involved in activities or production that fall under the scope of Act No. 76/2002 Coll., on integrated prevention and related regulations? Then we will provide you with the following:
- if you do not yet have an integrated permit, drawing up and preparing an application for its issue and expert assistance in the public hearing
- if you have an integrated permit, drawing up applications for changes to it and preparing an annual report on compliance with its requirements
- processing of data for reporting to the Integrated Pollution Register (IPR)